Honey is also known as liquid gold due to its unique nutritional and medicinal properties, that go well beyond as a natural food sweetener. Honey is called Madhu in Ayurveda and is used for both internal and external applications.
Depending on the bee, which collects honey, 8 types of Madhu are described and ‘Makshika’ (A type of Honey) is considered as best among them.
Synonyms – Madhu, Makshika, Bringavantham, Kshudram, Saradham, Vantham, Varadi, Madvikam
General Properties of Honey /Madhu
According to Charaka, it is one of those food items that can be taken daily.
Ayurvedic Properties of Honey
Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet), Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (Properties) – Laghu (Light to digest), Rooksha (Causes Dryness)
Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
Vipaka – Madhura (Sweet)
Action on doshas – Balances Kapha and Pitta Dosha.
Health benefits of Honey
- It improves digestion
- Improves the softness of the skin
- It is good for the heart
- Used in the healing of wounds and fractures
- It is considered a natural detox agent
- It is used in dyspnoea, diarrhoea, cough, cold, worm infestations, UTI, hiccup, and obesity.
- It is used as a natural sweetener and preservative in Ayurvedic formulations.
- Honey is used as a Anupana (vehicle) with few therapeutics to improve its efficacy or to alleviate the side effects.
Unique Chemical Properties of Honey
- Super Saturated Sugar Solution: Enables honey to draw out water from a microorganism, kill them by desiccation
- Honey is acidic: ph of 3.26 to 4.48, which is noxious for microbes
- Honey has low water quantity: it has low water activity which creates conditions where microorganisms can’t survive.
A. 1. Nava Madhu (New Honey)
2. Purana Madhu (Old Honey)
B. 1 Makshikam
2 Bhraamara
3 Kshoudram
4 Pauthikam
5 Chatram
6 Aardhyam
7 Ouddalakam
8 Daalam
It is collected from big dark-coloured bees, has oily colour. It is best among all types of honey.
- Useful in Eye disorders
- It is used in the treatment of Jaundice and Liver disorders
- Used for weight loss
- Helpful in Haemorrhoids, Cough, Cold, and any injuries.
It is collected by smaller bees as compared to Makshika bees. It is Nirmala (Very clear) and Sphatikabha (white).
Qualities – Guru (Heavy for digestion), Pucchila (Sticky), Hima (Coolant), Swadu (Sweet)
- Used in bleeding disorders such as Heavy menstruation flow, Nasal bleeding, etc.
- It is used in Dysuria and Urinary retention
It is collected by Kapila Varna (Brown) bees
Qualities- Laghu (Light for digestion), Rooksha (Dry)
- It is used in Kaphaja Prameha (Diabetes)
- Used in Urinary tract ailments
It is collected by Black color bees
Qualities– Laghu (Light for digestion), Rooksha (Dry), Ushna (Hot)
- It is used in Vidaha (Burning sensation)
- Used in Prameha (Diabetes)
- It is used in Shosha (Emaciation) and Kshata (Injury)
- Used in Granthi (Fibroid, Tumors)
It is collected by the bees which are Chatra (Umbrella) shaped. It has Kapila Peeta varna (Brownish yellow color)
Qualities- Guru (Heavy for digestion), Pucchila (Sticky), Hima (Coolant), Swadu (Sweet)
- Used in Krimi (Worm infestations)
- It is useful in Raktapitta (Used in Bleeding disorders)
- It is used in Bhrama (Delusions), Trushna (Excessive thirst) and Moha (Dizziness)
It is found as an extract of tress.
Qualities– astringent and pungent in taste
- It is helpful in Dourbalya (Weakness and Fatigue)
- It is used in Shosha (Emaciation)
Bees that live in an anthill produce a small quantity of brown honey called Auddalaka Madhu.
Qualities– Astringent and Sour
– It is indicated in Aruchi (Anorexia) and Swarabheda (Harshness of voice)
- It is used in Kushta (Leprosy), and Visha (Poisoning)
Qualities- Madhura (Sweet) and Amla (Sour) in taste, Guru (Heavy for digestion)
- It is indicated in Agnimandya (Indigestion)
- Used in Chardi (Vomiting) and Aruchi (Anorexia)
- It is used in the treatment of Prameha (Diabetes) and Shosha (Emaciation)
- Honey should not be heated or combined with hot food articles
- It is not recommended for diabetic people
- Honey should not be consumed in summer
- Do not mix honey and Ghrita (Ghee) in equal quantities
- Avoid intake of honey during indigestion
- Do not drink hot water after consumption of honey
- Honey with Garlic
- Rejuvenates the skin and gives the everlasting glow
- Due to anti-bacterial properties, it helps in common cold and allergies
- This combination helps in Weight loss
- Boosts immunity
- Garlic Cinnamon Honey
- Lowers risk of heart disease
- Boosts immunity
- Used for treating skin infections
- Helps strengthen joints
- Helps treat bladder infections
- Honey with Amla
This amazing combination treats several ailments
- Helps in Weight loss and lowers bad Cholesterol
- The combination has an anti-aging property and promotes healthy skin
- Helps in the production of insulin
- Stimulates appetite and helps in better digestion
- Helps to boost Immunity
- Honey with Dry fruits
- This combination is extremely rich sources protein and nutrients.
- Helpful in prevention of anemia
- The combination is useful in diabetes and heart ailments
- Used in reduction of bad cholesterol and memory enhancement.
- Honey with Cinnamon
- External application of this combination on the skin as a mask will help in acne
- Acts as an effective weight-loss treatment
- Useful in arthritis
- Useful in Toothache, Cold, Cough and Bladder infections
- Honey with Gulkand
- The combination helps in Indigestion
- Provides instant energy and relief from Burning sensation
- Reduces Abdominal cramps and yellow discharge in women
- Helps in constipation
- Honey with Ginger
- Acts as a natural pain killer and gives relief from cold & cough
- Improves immunity due to anti-oxidant property
- Helps to improve digestion
- Prevents nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy.