Brahmi is derived from word “Brahma” the mythical creator of Hindu pantheon and brain is the center of creative activity in human body, the plant related to intellectuality and memory enhancer, is called Brahmi. And it is one of Oldest most powerful brain tonic used in Ayurvedic system from ancient times. And it was described around 6th C. AD in Ayurvedic texts like Charaka and Sushruta Samhita under Medhya Rasayana (Herbs which are good for Brain). Active ingredients of Brahmi known as bacosides, which are responsible for improving memory power and related disorders.
Botanically identified Brahmi as Bacopa monnieri Linn, belongs to Scrophulariaceae family, it can easily be grown in damp areas on avariety of soils, it requires wet and marshy soil. It can be used in various dishes like Chutney, Salad, Curries and Tambuli. Brahmi leaves resembles to structure of cerebellum and this herb used in brain related disorders. It has been used in different formulations which are used in various disorders in traditional system of medicine and researchers supports that some natural compound present in herb act as Nootropic (memory enhancer) and also it is used in neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Brahmi is prostrate or creeping glabrous annual herb. Root – Thin, small, branched creamish-yellow. Stem – Thin, soft, green with nodes and internodes about 1-2 mm thick, taste will be slightly bitter. Leaf – green, sessile, simple, opposite, decussate, 1-2 cm long, obovate-oblong; dotted with minute spots, taste slightly bitter. Flowers are Small, whitish or pale bluish in color, axillary and solitary, pedicels 6-30 mm long, bracteoles shorter than pedicels. Fruit – small, Capsules upto 5 mm long, ovoid and glabrous.
It is found throughout India growing naturally in the plane as well as in hills upto 1200 mtr attitude particularly in the areas having more moisture. It is very commonly grown in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttara Pradesh, Bihar, etc.
Taxonomical classification of Bacopa monneri
Kingdom- Plantae
Class- Dicotyledons
Subclass – Gamopetalae
Series– Bicarpelllatae
Order- Perstenales
Family- Scrophuliaraceae
Genus- Bacopa
Species– monneiri
Vernacular names:
Sanskrit name: Aindri, Jalabrahmi, Nirabrahmi, Medhya, Sarasvati, Kapotavanka
Kannada: Nirubrahmi
Hindi: Brahmi
English: Thyme leaved gratiola
Telugu: Sambarenu
Tamil: Nirabrahmi
Malayalam: Nirbrahmi
Marathi: Brahmi
Gujarati: Neerbrahmi
Bengali: Brahmi sak, Jalanimba
Punjabi: Brahmibuti
Persian: Jaranab
Assamese: Brahmi
Oriya: Brahmi
Urdu: Brahmi
Konkan: Brahmi
Arabic: Zarazab
Chinese: Pa-Chi-Tlien
Ayurvedic properties of Brahmi:
Sanskrit |
English |
Rasa |
Tikta,Kashaya, Madhura |
Taste |
Bitter,Astringent, Sweet |
Guna |
Laghu, Snigdha, Sara |
Physical property |
Light, Unctuous, Mobility |
Virya |
Shita |
Potency |
Cold |
Vipaka |
Madhura |
Metabolic Property (After digestion) |
Sweet |
Effect on Doshas:
Brahmi pacifies Vata and Pitta doshas.
Chemical composition:
Whole plant contains – D-Mannitol, Saponin, Betulic acid, β – Sitosteroal. Stigmasterol, Stigmastanol, Bacoside A, Bacoside B, Monnierin, Hersaponin, Nicotine, Bacogenin – A, Betulinic acid and Mannitol.
Leaves contains Brahmine and herpestine (Alkaloids)
Part used:
Whole plant (Leaves, stem, flower, roots and fruits)
Fresh Juice: 10-20ml
Powder: 5-10gm
Decoction: 50-100ml
Health benefits:
- The whole plant used in various nervine and mental complaints, and they are considered very useful for brain power and skin complexion.
- The stem and leaves are considered useful against snake-bite.
- Whole plant or leaves are useful in dermatosis and other skin infections
- Leaves juice is given to infants suffering from catarrh or severe bronchitis.
- Brahmi oil helps to prevent hair loss as it nourishes and provides strength to the hair.
- Fomentation of whole plant is applied for erysipelas and elephantiasis.
- Brahmi is good liniment for rheumatism and application of Leaf juice in swellings is useful.
- Brahmi juice mixed with Kustha plant and honey removes insanity.
- Brahmi is useful in high Blood pressure, it controls stress and anxiety.
- Old ghee processed with Brahmi juice, Vacha, Kustha and Sankhapuspi relieves insanity,epilepsy and sinful condition
- Panchagavya ghrita mixed with Brahmi juice removes epilepsy.
- This herb useful in reducing blood sugar levels due to its anti-oxidant properties.
- Brahmi given with honey for prolonged duration to attain longevity, to improve memory,
Intelligence and it is very good rejuvenator.
Research work:
Research work by Kaustubh S. Chaudhari, Nishant R. Tiwari, Rakesh R. Tiwari,
Rohan S. Sharma, entitled Neurocognitive Effect of Nootropic Drug Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri) in Alzheimer’s Disease
The Brahmi is reputed as a brain tonic and good herbal drug for promoting memory power and mental faculties. Bacopa monneri, traditional Ayurvedic medicinal plant has been used for centuries as a memory-enhancing, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, sedative, and antiepileptic agent. This herb specially suggested for students and intellectuals to tone up the mind and mental power including memory. People with low blood pressure and decreased rate of heartbeat, experience dizziness, headache and fainting by using Brahmi powder, hence recommended for such individuals to avoid taking this herb. It should be taken as per its indication in appropriate dosage under the professional supervision.
- Bhavaprakash Nighantu (Indian MateriaMedica) of Shri Bhavamishra, Commentary by Dr.K.C.Chunekarand Edited by Dr.G.S.Pandey,Tenth Edition, ChaukhambhaBharati Academy, Varanasi,1995. Guduchyadivarga-Verse,240-41.
- Dr Prakash L.Hegde, DrHarini A, A Text Book of DravyagunaVignana, Vol 2, Varanasi, Choukhambha Publications, 2014, p 196-203.
- Ashalatha M, L.N.Shenoy, A Critical review on Brahmi, IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 02; January – 2016.
- Yadav Kapil Deo, Reddy KRC, Critical review on pharmacological properties of Brahmi, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(2), 92-99.